Tuesday, January 20, 2015

CrossFit's Value

I am new to CrossFit. In fact, for the past year I have been in treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer. Chemo, surgeries and radiation filled a complete year. I am very thankful to have had positive results. My body and soul have been through a lot and I am recovering.
So how would a person like me ever even hear of CrossFit?
My son, Colt. He graduated with his masters degree form the University of Florida last year just in time to move back home and help me with my treatments and to help with my other two kids. My husband travels a lot with the military and I was like an overturned turtle.
He was devoting himself to driving his middle school brother with Asperger's back and forth to school , overseeing  homework and preparing meals full time. I saw early how much he needed something for himself and we bought him a 6 month membership into a local CrossFit gym.
I honestly don't remember everything because chemo was v dry hard for me. I do remember how happy he was to get out and to feel instantly connected to a wonderful group of caring people. He has always been an athlete but he said that the work outs were intense and he was on fire!
He loved it so much that he became certified and started coaching. After my radiation was completed and I was able to drive again, an opportunity came up for him to start his own CrossFit box.
It was scary and exciting at the same time but within a couple of weeks he was using everything he had learned in college as well as his CrossFit training to get going.
I started to "work out" with so many modifications that it hardly seemed worthwhile. My energy levels were very low, my strength depleted and I had very limited movement of my left arm from the modified mastectomy and lymph node removal. Everything hurt and I was terribly embarrassed to see ladies older than me doing pull ups, running and lifting massive amounts of weights! I had to use a plastic pipe for my bar, walked and sort of pulled on some rings for my "workout". However, within a month I could tell that there was a difference. I moved up to a training bar, jogged a little and even tried the bands for assisted pull ups.
My mother passed away and I was lost. For a couple of weeks I experienced terrible pain, anxiety and confusion. The lack of sleep, poor eating, lack of exercise and stress from travel and grief triggered past back injured and I scheduled myself to see an orthopedic surgeon. Colt talked me into trying out Airrosti for some help and it involved some painful pressing and rolling but I got better. I canceled my surgeon appointment and got back into the gym. Within a couple of weeks , the pain was gone. I had strengthened my back with the exercises they suggested. Instead of taking a pill three times a day, I was doing my prescribed exercises. It is a different philosophy than what is standard in our medical world.
The part about CrossFit that I find so interesting is how social it is. People truly care about each other. They cheer, high five and encourage each person. I was "sleeping in" last week when I got a text from another member asking me where I was. I jumped out of bed and took off! I felt important enough that someone missed me and wanted me there.
I went to a competition as 4 ladies from the box participated in a tough workout. My throat was sore from the screaming we did! We even cheered for ladies we did not know because in CrossFit every person's success is your success. Every struggle to overcome adversity is celebrated!
I am sitting in a hotel room in Puerto Rico. I almost did not come out of fear of hurting my back as before with the flight. I was afraid to leave my kids. I was afraid of change.
Yesterday we went on a hike that was considered "moderate to strenuous" in a rain forest to a water fall. Heading down the trail was so beautiful. Unseen birds sang beautiful melodies, the air was rich in oxygen and the temperature was perfect. I did get tired climbing and felt my heart pounding but knew that I would make it. I was controlling my own two feet and was able to maneuver . We got to the falls and jumped into the cold water. It took my breath away but was very refreshing. Somehow I made it out faster and in better time. I knew that this beautiful experience would not have been possible without my CrossFit workouts.
You don't have to complete a marathon or the IronMan to be successful. Being able to do the "functional" movements means that I can be more adventurous, haul in groceries easier, and ride my horses. The application of the "WOD"takes exercise to a whole new level.
Next week ,  go back to my team of doctors for tests and examinations. It is not something I feel great about because I want to keep my focus on life and getting better. All I can do is to do my best and I believe that CrossFit has already helped me a great deal.
Nothing is as important as your health. We all have heard it but it is not as meaningful until you don't have it. Colt's CrossFit has helped all of us. The sense of community is bonded together through trials with the culmination of celebrating improvements both in the work outs and outside in daily life.

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